3PL RFP template: helping you get started

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You know you’ve needed fulfillment help for a while, and your boss walks into your office or shoots over an email and asks you to put together a 3PL RFP. You’ve likely never done that before. After a quick trip to Google, you’ve landed here while asking yourself, “Now what?”

We get it because we’ve been in similar positions too. So, here are a few tips to help your approach and a downloadable RFP template to get you going. But before you start filling that out, there are a few questions you need to think about to create a useful 3PL RFP.

Download Our Free & Easy RFP Template


Red Stag Fulfillment created this simplified, direct RFP document to help you begin the RFP process. Use it to start collecting information and answering these questions with the details you need. Be sure to customize this template to fit your company and products.

This template can help with valuable comparisons between multiple options, including your in-house fulfillment. It should be simple to customize and tailor to your brand. If you have questions, use the Contact Us button at the top of any page to ask our business development team your questions or get a helping hand.

Goals of your 3PL RFP process and documents

A 3PL RFP document is designed to answer specific questions so you can make direct comparisons between vendors. The goal is to present a unified set of facts to multiple companies to have your best chance at making an apples-to-apples comparison. But if you’re new to the process, you might not be there yet.

If you’re still learning about RFPs or haven’t written one before, you want to gain an understanding of the businesses you’re comparing. That’s more than just a flat-cost comparison. The ultimate goal is to understand a 3PL’s fiscal health and service capabilities so that you know if they’re a good fit for your company’s growth.

It can be expensive to switch 3PLs. Use the process to find the right partner, not just the right price point.

Getting started on a useful 3PL RFP

We’ve put the most useful elements of a 3PL RFP in a short document that you can get for free just by clicking the image below. To better understand the purpose of the RFP document, click below to open it up and follow along as you read about the important questions you want your RFP process to answer.

The “Request for Information” section is something you can send to 3PLs if you’ve never done this before and just want some basic information. The other sections in the document enable you to do a deeper dive and get enhanced information when it comes to making a decision.

Red Stag experts are available to help you understand and answer these questions. Just use the Contact button at the top of the page to reach out and get assistance.


9 questions you want to be able to answer

  • What’s the total capacity, and where is it located?
  • How much of that capacity is available? How much has it grown recently?
  • How do these locations and facilities improve fulfillment?
  • How much of this network is eCommerce? LTL? FTL?
  • Who are their top carrier partners, and are their rates and relationships better?
  • How easy is it to access real-time data?
  • What do they guarantee, and what happens after an error?
  • What’s the plan for reverse logistics and returns management?
  • What’s the complete fee schedule?

Creating the 3PL RFP

Red Stag Fulfillment created this simplified, direct RFP document to help you begin the RFP process. Use it to start collecting information and answering these questions with the details you need. Be sure to customize this template to fit your company and products.

This template can help with valuable comparisons between multiple options, including your in-house fulfillment. It should be simple to customize and tailor to your brand. If you have questions, use the Contact Us button at the top of any page to ask our business development team your questions or get a helping hand.

Red Stag Fulfillment is a 3PL founded by ecommerce operators, and built for scaling businesses.

A team of fulfillment fanatics who care about our clients’ businesses like their own. We see things from our customers’ perspective, and have the guarantees to prove it.

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3PL founded by ecommerce operators, and built for scaling businesses
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